November 28, 2009

Psalm 23

I don't know what it is about being half asleep in the morning, but it seems to be when I get ideas. One morning I saw a picture in my mind of the 23rd Psalm. The painting was 3-d with a mountain range and in the middle was a red line signifying the "Valley of death". As I thought more about it and the actual scripture, I realized it shouldn't be red, but gold. It is within the valley of death that we are called not to fear and know that God is with us. We are not alone during those times. In fact, that's when He is closest to us.

November 21, 2009

November 16, 2009

Another Tree... I guess I like them

So I made the background first and for about 5 minutes just stared at it to see what picture would pop out of it. It looked like it needed a tree leaning to one side. I was going to do a tree getting blown by the wind, but as I started painting an old tree started forming. I completed this one in about an hour.

I've been drawn to painting trees recently. I've noticed artists like to paint (or photograph) the same thing in different ways. I saw a documentary on this photographer, Sally Mann, after she had done a series on a dog bone. She said that the art critiques kept trying to figure out the deeper meaning behind the use of the dog bone.

Sally said it was because she liked it.