August 17, 2012

Dahlia and the Bear


So I have a lot of downtime on my hands at the moment, so I've thrown myself into painting. This is an Impressionistic Dahlia. The orange really pops because of the background. Blue is the opposite of Orange on the color wheel, so it's going to really stand out.

I saw a sketch of his bear on the internet, so I free handed him onto a painted background. He's really cute.

1 comment:

Gene Aksland said...

Hi Andrea, the Dalhia painting really builds on the contrast of orange and teal, two oppsits on the color wheel. Lots of complementarity going here. The light direction and highlighting helps to enhance texture. I think adding one more Dalia to the wonderful backgroung would add completeness.

The Bear is begging to have a story written about him.
